Places I Must Avoid

May 02, 2022
Monday Musings
Places I Must Avoid
I've been giving some thought to ways I can improve myself, and I have decided that there are certain places that must be avoided to improve my spiritual, emotional, and mental health.
These Top Three are highly addictive. I recommend you proceed with caution! ๐Ÿคฃ
(1) Office Depot (or Staples or other stationery/office supplies stores)
I was looking for a fresh notebook yesterday because the one I'm currently using is within 10 pages or so of being used up. That in itself is a miracle. Like my children, I'm more of a "use it 'til I'm tired of the color" gal. But I digress. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
I observed with some chagrin and not a little shame, that I have some 25 fresh notebooks with really nice stable covers, and some 50 or so common composition books, and not a few legal pads in varying colors and designs.
None of them are matchy-matchy with my planner. Eeeewwww, so I went to to find one that was a near match (my bright pink is not currently en vogue), at the bargain price of $23.
Ouch. Obsession is not a healthy thing.
(2) Cracker Barrel
The food, of course, is like wrapping yourself in Granny's afgan -- warm, fuzzy, and perfectly comforting and pleasant. Who doesn't love the dumplings, the chicken-fried-chicken, biscuits, and green beans like your momma shoulda or coulda made?
But the Cracker Barrel County Store...
Invariably, I wander around for days checking out all the kitschy wonders, and leave with a flowing caftan or tunic, a marvelously seasonal dust catcher, a nostalgic bit of candy, or a pair of earrings just like 5 I have in my box at home.
Not a healthy place for me!
(3) My Own Mind
I have officially been diagnosed (by myself, since I'm an expert on me ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ˜œ) of chronic overthinking. My strong personality is often perceived as "decisive," but inside, I'm a quivering waffling tangled mess of what-if's and wouldn't-this-be-better-when's.
Once I commit, I'm fully "in," but coming to the decision is a whirlwind of unrestrained thoughts and musings and perfectionism. The most common name for this is worry or anxiety.
And the more time I spend there -- investing time and energy in the whirlwind, stoking the fires of inadequacy, and feeding the wolf of fear -- the more likely I am to leave with a bag full of nonsense I don't need!
The Walmart Syndrome
Have you ever walked into a Walmart SuperCenter needing only a gallon of milk and walk out with cart full of things you didn't plan to bring home? That's my experience. I'm reaching for more... more confidence, more adequacy, more perfectionism... just more.
Faith says that God has provided all I need --
2 Peter 1:3 For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness (AMP)
Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Faith says God is enough --
I Thessalonians 5:24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
What are some places you need to avoid?

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