Minimum Man adhd extra mile labor quiet quitting relational work relationships work Jul 23, 2024

In Talk & Pray for Life and Business Podcast Episode #47, I talk about teaching my children to have a great work ethic by assigning them chores when they were small! Each child responded to their chores in different ways... Emily as the responsible firstborn, Sam the middle child always ready...

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Gratitude Feb 20, 2024

I got a beautiful prayer journal for Christmas from a friend of mine. I love journals, and I have a weakness for them. I buy them if they're pretty or if they have a nice cover or if they have an interesting layout.

The prayer journal I received has scripture at the top and an encouraging...

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Stuck business confined habits hope jeremiah stuck Feb 06, 2024

If there was one word that described perfectly my frustration with my business over the last 15 years, I think it would be the word "Stuck." I can't count the number of times I would gain momentum—developing new customers or clients, making money, moving forward—and then the plateau...

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A Way of Life apostle paul practical religion way of life Jan 16, 2024

“It has to work on Monday morning!”

I was listening to a speaker this week talking about walking with Jesus. He said God speaks to us and reveals our unique identity. But it’s not just a “dubbing” as a King might touch a knight with his scepter and call him Sir...

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So Many Books Dec 05, 2023

Leaders are readers, so I've been told... or is it Readers are Leaders...

Both, actually! One of the blessings of working with a coach, either in group coaching or one-on-one, virtual or in-person, published author or local guide, is the recommendation of books that expand your thinking and...

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Oceans Nov 24, 2023

I stumbled upon this poem several years ago when my husband, Jeff, was a part of The Gideons International. You may be familiar with the Gideons. They're the ones who place Bibles in hotels, hospitals, and, where permitted, voluntarily distribute on college campuses and to elementary...

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Christ is Not... christ romans 8:28 romans 8:29 transformation Nov 21, 2023

I had a pastor a few years ago who changed the way I thought about Romans 8:28 forever. Most Christ-followers can quote Romans 8:28 because it is a staple verse of comfort and encouragement during times of challenge or heartache or difficulties. If you happen to be one of the 6 or 7 people in the...

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Two Roads beauty choices heaven jeremiah poetry roads Nov 07, 2023

Some of my favorite memories of school were forays into the magic language of poetry. This week's podcast was about direction, and allowing God to determine our destination. That level of trust, of dependence upon our Father, is not without its challenges and choices, and often we are trying...

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What's That You're Wearing? apostle paul attitude clothing fashion jesus Oct 31, 2023

I cleaned out my closet a couple of weeks ago and discovered some fabulous scarves and pashminas that my husband brought home to me from Afghanistan where he was deployed several years ago. The scarves are richly woven silk with silver threads throughout, and i have three different ones in two...

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The Basics apostle paul attitude basics entrepreneurship people skills success teachable work ethic Oct 24, 2023

A wonderful friend of mine shared with me yesterday that she's landed a new job! It's been a goal of hers for a while, and she was so excited. I am familiar with the company that she's joining, and I offered her some advice based on what.I know about the company and the people who not only...

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Let Us Pray Oct 03, 2023

This week was a hard one for the family.  A family member who has had many health challenges over the last couple of years was admitted to the hospital after a surgery because he had developed MRSA. 

I knew MRSA was serious, but no one I knew well had gone through the infection, so I...

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Go To the Ant character initiative self-development sorriness strength wisdom work ethic Sep 26, 2023

Go to the Ant!

My mother had a serious aversion to what she called "sorriness."

Not sorriness relating to feeling sorrowful or regretful, anguish or heartbreak. No. Sorriness as the state of being worthless and good-for-nothing, related to being lazy, shiftless, and lacking in...

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