More Precious ask faith precious proverbs solomon success wealth wisdom Sep 19, 2023

What if I could tell you that I can teach you something that will give you the most success, the most power, the best relationships, the finest things of life? Would you be intrigued? skeptical? It seems we always are looking for the secret sauce that will cut through the process, the...

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Open My Eyes elisha eyes sight spiritual sight Sep 05, 2023

I will never forget the day I found out I needed glasses. I literally had no idea!

I was in fifth grade, and I'd always done well academically. So there were no bad grades or reading difficulties to indicate there was a problem. In our little rural school, though, the area health department was...

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Murder by Mouth encouragement life life and death tongue words Aug 29, 2023

I've always been fascinated with power of words. I think it began in elementary school and my fascination with Katherine Lee Bates, the author of America, the Beautiful—you know, “O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain.”  As I read about her, I...

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Ain't Nobody Got Time for That apostle paul patterns rhythm routine time time management Aug 22, 2023

Ain’t nobody got time for that

I’ve noticed this summer that I have a very predictable rhythm to my days. My wake-up time will vary slightly, but typically, I’ll get up, spend some quiet time—meditating, reading my devotion or scripture, and quoting scripture declarations...

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Sam in the Snow choice joy mind mood negativity sam casada Jan 26, 2023

Sam in the Snow

What does JOY look like in your life?
Maybe it's the weather, or the time of year, or the after-holidays blues, but I haven't been especially joyful lately. And I'm a little concerned that my default setting seems to be cynicism, pessimism, negativity.
I see an ad on...
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Places I Must Avoid May 02, 2022
Monday Musings
Places I Must Avoid
I've been giving some thought to ways I can improve myself, and I have decided that there are certain places that must be avoided to improve my spiritual, emotional, and mental health.
These Top Three are highly addictive. I recommend you proceed with caution!...
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What's in a Name? blessings curses debt identity legacy sam casada Mar 25, 2022
 What's in a Name?
"Hi, Mrs. Casada, hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know that my wife and I just had our second child and we named him Samuel after your son...."
I got the message Saturday, and have meditated on its significance for the better part of the...
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Grains of Sand Mar 07, 2022
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Squirrel!!! Feb 28, 2022
Monday Meandering 🙂
Not sure if it's meditation or motivation, so let's call it meandering, because that's the way it is today (and has been for a while). Let's call it...
Squirrel Brain
I started a practice a few months ago of planning my days. As I age, I find that my mother was...
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Status Quo change comfort zone cost failure status quo Jan 05, 2022

Maintenance... I've never thought much about what it costs to maintain what I have.  A home, car, appliances, technology, all the stuff that requires some measure of care and upkeep. And then there's my body! And the upkeep IT requires! It's just not something I give much thought to... UNTIL...

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Nature Abhors a Vacuum goals habits productivity proverbs tracking Jan 03, 2022

Over the last three months I've been using a habit tracker. If you've read anything by James Clear (Atomic Habits) or Jon Acuff (Finish and Soundtracks), you may be familiar with their ideas of tracking the things you want to do to stay focused and productive.

I tracked three small habits...

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I Film with My Shoes On Dec 31, 2021

As I've been working on videos for my Core-4 series I've noticed a shift in my mindset! And it's the weirdest thing. I'm wearing shoes!!

Core-4 is a series of courses that I'm teaching to explore what Scripture says about Identity, Authenticity, Purpose and Vision. (Check out the first one, ...

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