What We're About

Hi, I'm Mary Lou!

Talk & Pray Founder, Teacher and Coach

How many careers are we allowed to have? It took me a while to settle into myself...do you know the feeling? Capable, mostly, but stuck? Adrift? Not sure where your unique attributes/talents/personality fit and how you can impact a shifting world?

After a lifetime of experience -- working in academia, fundraising, homeschooling, selling, coaching, and navigating life challenges like parenting, church drama, the death of a son, aging and dying parents, and my own inevitable march into the oncoming "golden years" -- I find that I can share wisdom that might guide you in your own march toward Whose you are and who you are created to be.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." (James 1:5 NIV)


Why Talk & Pray?

People usually ask the same three questions about Talk & Pray

  1. Why Talk & Pray? The short answer is that those two elements are the fastest way to get to the heart of what is going on in someone's life. Talking is someone verbally processing her situation, why she's stuck, the goals she's trying to achieve, or the obstacles she is facing. Praying is connecting to her Creator to open up the paths He has for her.
  2. Why on-line courses? As I have worked with women through ministry and business, I find there are common areas with which we deal. The Core 4: Identity, Authentiticy, Purpose and Vision are foundational, and the F8thful Life Spheres: Faith, Family, Field, Finances, Fitness, Feelings, Friends, and Fun can then be addressed as needed through courses, group or one-on-one coaching to develop a life design that produces growth and self-actualization.
  3. Do I know what "TaP that" means? Hahahaha! Yes! I know how the urban dictionary defines it, but because the things we talk about are personal, intimate, and sometimes a little "raw," and mostly because humor helps (!), we TaP (Talk and Pray) that!



 Our Courses offer Basic, Extended, and Optimum Options


Not sure which is right for you? Schedule a call to talk it over.

My highest priority is equipping you for your life journey.